Vita (en)


Professional theory
1993 A-level high school St. Bernhard Gymnasium, private gymnasium oft he Hünfelder Oblaten
1996 3-years trainee education in taxes „Steuerfachangestellter“
2000 Diplom-Kaufmann (FH), University of Applied Sciences Fachhochschule Niederrhein‚ study program „tax & finance“
2005 publicly appointed as German tax advisor „Steuerberater“
2008 publicly appointed as German expert for international taxation „Fachberater für internationales Steuerrecht“
since 2008 ongoing usual tax advisor training plus annual mandatory trainings to keep the title “German expert for international taxation”

Professional experience
1994-2000 employee of tax advisor for mid-size units
2000-2005 PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC), signature rights for 11 PWC companies
2005-2021 examiner annual tax advisor exams for the ministry of finance NRW
2005-2023 founder, senior partner and CEO of the international tax advisory corporation “Gregor A. Ohlenforst Wirtschafts- und Steuerberatungs-GmbH”, Duesseldorf, Germany
since 2023 selected international tax advice, business consulting and private clients